I have been a professional improviser and actor since 2001. Over my 20 years of experience I have worked with numerous improv companies and comedy theatres all over the US and although I treasure my experiences, it has not always been an easy or fun career to have. Like most American theatre companies, American comedy theatres are reckoning with their racist, sexist and homophobic practices.
Many comedy theatres were founded by groups of cisgendered, mostly heterosexual white men and the make up of staff and performers at these theatres remains overwhelmingly white. Although I am a cisgendered, heterosexual white woman and not marginalized in a way that is in any way comparable to my BIPOC or LGBTQIA+ colleagues, I have still experienced marginalization and trauma from harmful practices in these theatres. My privilege as a person who looks the way I do protected me from the worst of the bad behaviors at these institutions.
In the past decade many, many comedy theatres have started diversity initiatives that have yeilded varying degrees of success. While rosters of performers have become more diverse, many organizations have failed to put support in place for performers from marginalized identitites, leaving these performers exposed to harmful behavior with little to no recourse within the organization.
I believe that comedy, and in particular comedy theatres that have roots in improvisation must change their practices to become truly diverse, inclusive and equitable creative spaces.
I believe that real change is possible through consent-forward practices.
Since the summer of 2021 I have been taking classes with Intimacy Directors and Professionals. They have guided my growth as a consent-forward artist in ways that have radically reshaped how I view education and performance practices.
The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop
Although this book is geared towards advanced writing classrooms, the guidance that Felicia Rose Chavez offers as well as the basic principles of decolonizing your classroom can be applied in any creative space. I highly recommend this book to any and all educators and encourage you to check out the work that Professor Chavez is doing.